By TJ - 06/04/2012 11:10 - United Kingdom - Redhill

Today, my girlfriend and I were in bed. She slipped her hand under the duvet, and I got all excited thinking she was going to give me a hand job. She was actually pulling out her wedgie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 241
You deserved it 10 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Remove the underwear. No more wedgie! Solving problems one at a time.

You know, there's this magical thing called sleeping, and it's commonly done in a bed. But that doesn't matter, because if you're in bed with someone, it's all about sex, right?


Friendzonian 0

Still a better love story than twilight

butterflyz1961 2

Really people? Use some common sense!! "Stuck her hand under the duvet." It's not gonna mean cat!

What straight guy uses the word duvet?

Argh, people are ignorant, use Google instead of just saying "durr wuts a duvet".

bbettell22 0

No guy should know the word duvae

"Duvet" is spelled right in front of your face. How did you pull off spelling it "duvae"? SMH

Who the hell still gives hand jobs??? lmao!