By TJ - 06/04/2012 11:10 - United Kingdom - Redhill

Today, my girlfriend and I were in bed. She slipped her hand under the duvet, and I got all excited thinking she was going to give me a hand job. She was actually pulling out her wedgie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 241
You deserved it 10 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Remove the underwear. No more wedgie! Solving problems one at a time.

You know, there's this magical thing called sleeping, and it's commonly done in a bed. But that doesn't matter, because if you're in bed with someone, it's all about sex, right?


How is not getting a hand job worthy of an FML? Stop wasting our time with your "problems", OP

Screw all you people who know what a duvet is!

twisted_cherub 14

Screw you for not knowing how to Google. Save in your favorites. It'll tell you what words mean, how to spell them, how to correctly use them in a sentence and even how to use them in different tenses.

It's FML because you used the word duvet!

That depends babe. Let me see what's under all that duvet covering your body. Lol.

What a terrible life you have. I feel so sorry for you. No, I really do, because there will be absolutely no other ocassions where you'll be in bed with your girlfriend.

104, Maybe you should genuinely feel sorry for the idiots who failed to understand your comment :P

129 I guess my sarcasm wasn't obvious enough :P

I love to watch hotties do that in the summer time right after she just dove into the pool. It's like ******* clock work.

glee_club 0

I hate when I jump into a pool and that happens. I don't really think guys I know find it sexy

Crawl under there and help her...with your mouth.