By probably single - 29/05/2015 18:28 - Denmark - Gram

Today, my girlfriend bought two tickets for a cruise to the Bahamas. Too bad the second ticket isn't for me. I guess her ex-boyfriend will have a wonderful time with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 002
You deserved it 2 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rhiannahoward14 19

Your name... "Probably single"... You should DEFINITELY be single and YOU should be the one to end it.

kameron018 18

Sorry to hear that OP. Have a good time without her somewhere else!


HighasaCloud 46

What in the world do you mean "probably single?" Are you actually going to wait for her to break it off with you? Why in hell would you even want to remain with her? Dump her ass pronto. If she thinks she can treat you like that and based on your name, it seems you have gotten whipped. I really hope you're not whipped. For your own sake. If you can't contact her until she gets back, no worries. Go about your own business as if she already knows it because she's definitely acting like it. Don't even give her the time of day when she returns. You're way better than that and deserve much more than she is willing to give you.

Willibobs 33

Exactly this. Ain't nobody going to respect you if you don't respect yourself!

I hope you're now the ex-boyfriend. I've tried to find a scenario where it would be acceptable for you to stay with her and there is none. That's just inexcusable.

Some people prefer the role of cuckold

I really hope you mean your ex girlfriend

91hayek 31

Are you sure you're her real boyfriend? Like not just something on the side? Or her stalker?

I know what you mean. My Ex-Boyfriend told me he was going to Japan with his Ex-Girlfriend instead of me because she liked Anime more than I did. I ended it.

You ending it was probably what he wanted all along. Kinda like the difference between getting fired and getting laid off. With you ending it, he can collect benefits (her) sooner. If he ended it there would have to be a waiting/mourning period while you were trying to figure out what was wrong.

magickiss87 22

Yeah, relationship over. I would definitely have a huge problem with that and for her to automatically skip over you, the man she is/was currently dating just shows she has no respect for you and won't even show you any decency. She clearly cares more about her jackass ex so let them have each other - they deserve to be with inconsiderate people like themself. I know it's a shitty situation but better to have found out now than wasting any more of your time, effort, energy and money and gives you the chance to put yourself back out there and do what's not only best for you but what makes you happy. Her loss, your gain. Best of luck, Op!

You dumped her on the spot I assume?

If you are a normal Danish citizen you know this is nowhere near acceptable unless you for some strange reason arranged it. Lyder som om hun forsøger at få dig til at slå op ;/