By probably single - 29/05/2015 18:28 - Denmark - Gram

Today, my girlfriend bought two tickets for a cruise to the Bahamas. Too bad the second ticket isn't for me. I guess her ex-boyfriend will have a wonderful time with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 002
You deserved it 2 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rhiannahoward14 19

Your name... "Probably single"... You should DEFINITELY be single and YOU should be the one to end it.

kameron018 18

Sorry to hear that OP. Have a good time without her somewhere else!


"Today my **** of an ex-girlfriend...." There. Fixed that for ya :D

Get with your ex girlfriend and send pictures to your soon to be ex

To the Bahamas? Bad enough. From Denmark? Makes it even worse. FYL OP. You can find someone better than that

I guess she can't let go...I wonder how long this was planned for

Wait till she gets back, **** her then dump her when's she's still lying on her bed. You never know when your going to get it next and at least it'll make you feel better.

hjds4n5 12

As Snoop Dogg once said, what you should do to her is drop it like it's hot!

'probably single'? Unless you're in an open relationship this behavior is totally unacceptable - grow a pair and tell her it's over. You know EXACTLY for what reason they're going on that cruise together, and it's totally disrespecting you. Being single is so much better than being in a relationship where your partner doesn't care about your feelings, they're going to be banging that entire trip and if you don't say/do anything that's essentially giving her permission. Do you really want that?

She should be your very new EX- girlfriend