By ponyboy - 22/01/2010 22:41 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because she suspected me of cheating. She thought I was cheating because she caught me sneaking out in the middle of the night. I was sneaking out to plan my proposal to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 358
You deserved it 4 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Zenn0 0

1. Explain what's up 2. Propose 3. ???? 4. Profit

mshafty 0

I don't get why were you sneaking out into the middle of night to plan a proposal??? Isn't that the type of thing you do during the day? Sounds shady, I say either you were a) cheating with prostitutes b) cheating with male prostitutes or c) you are a prostitute. All sound like valid reasons to break up with you!


You're sneaking out in the middle of the night? I don't care what you're doing, what did you expect her to think? It's one thing to "sneak" around during the day, because you know what? It makes a hell of a lot more sense than leaving randomly in the middle of the night. "Oh, honey, I have to go to the grocery store" or "I'm going to hang out with Micheal" works a lot better than "Oh.. Hey honey.. Why did I leave in the middle of the night? Where was I? Uhhh...." Makes me wonder what kind of proposal needs to be planned not only in the middle of the night, but outside of your house in the middle of the night.

Who were you planning it with, ******?

coolplanes 0

there are alot of fml's like this. it could all be avoided if the people just communicate.

Bazma 0

this whole fml seems very fishy to me 1). like everyone has said why the hell are you sneaking out at night what are you doing at night that cant be done during the day 2). what reasonable person will break up with someone and not listen to the explaination why would she be so quick to judge maby she has had previous issues with you "sneaking out". 3). if you love her so much to propose to her then why did you let her go so easy, instead of fighting to prove your love you just kinda gave up and let her break up with you.

you probably should have not planned it during the night time..

uhhheyy 0

some one isn't good @ being sneaky ......

adonals 0

awe haha way to go... you should have found another time to plan it. Im sure if you explained that too her it couldnt be all that bad. If she loves you how mad can she get for you trying to propose??