By ponyboy - 22/01/2010 22:41 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because she suspected me of cheating. She thought I was cheating because she caught me sneaking out in the middle of the night. I was sneaking out to plan my proposal to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 358
You deserved it 4 221

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Zenn0 0

1. Explain what's up 2. Propose 3. ???? 4. Profit

mshafty 0

I don't get why were you sneaking out into the middle of night to plan a proposal??? Isn't that the type of thing you do during the day? Sounds shady, I say either you were a) cheating with prostitutes b) cheating with male prostitutes or c) you are a prostitute. All sound like valid reasons to break up with you!


Stevenopolis 0

In all likelihood, it means she was actually cheating. People's minds tend to the first place they themselves are guilty of.

#78: No, that actually DOES happen. It's called projection; that's when your own unacceptable behaviors/desires are pushed onto other people so that you can look better. Example: When a girl accuses another girl of being a **** when the accuser slept with half the guys in college. Either way, the OP is screwed. It doesn't really matter what time of day it's done, if you're sneaking out, you're going to look suspicious.

Stevenopolis 0

And you have some unpleasant realities of life to enjoy the hard way in your future. When they do, remember somewhere I'll be smiling.

yourlifesfucked 0

seems like ive seen this same type of fml a thousand times before. guy acts suspiciously, girl dumps him, guy doesn't have the balls to say what's what. you'd think they'd have learned by now, eh?

Aggriken 0

why is it stupid for him to try to do something romantic for his girlfriend?

haha I completely agree with you 28 but OP if you really loved her and really wanted to marry her then you would have explained and done anything possible to make her I'm like 99 percent sure this is fake!!

what are you going to do in the middle of the night go to the shops when they are closed and buy a ring or make a reservation for a restaurant when they are closed and she would of given you a chance to explain

yourlifesfucked 0

i can understand the late night thing actually. op probly spends every day either at work or with his gf. maybe he scheduled a meeting with his / her friends and family at night to keep it a secret? that being said, you probly should have come up with an ecuse like, i got called in for night shift or somethin, or hell just tell her ur goin to a bar

that sucks man. I hope things work out for you

seems like your ex jumps to conclusions wayyyy too fast

good thing you learned she's a psycho bitch before hand eh?