By shallowvomit1013 - 23/12/2009 01:09 - United States

Today, my girlfriend came over to my house. Hoping to get a little action, i started to make out with her. Unfortunately I was wearing basketball shorts so when I got an erection all she did was bat it back forth like a cat toy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 047
You deserved it 5 428

Same thing different taste

Top comments

she still played with it... I bet it was funny to watch. loosen up (even though it's loose enough in basketball shorts)

I do the same with my guy. it's fun for some reason.


Wait... So... The shorts were why she batted it around? Weird girl...

I almost died laughing but that's cute lol

The_9th_Doctor 18

there's your action now deal with it

bigbearrr 5

My bf always wears basketball shorts they are just easier to get in to(; when he gets hard all it does is make me want him more, either your girl is crazy or you're lying

I do the same thing... With my own d*ck

Reasons why I don't wear basketball shorts when I'm not playing, but I guess Ball is Life.

Shadow9876 19

I wouldn't mind being in that situation.