By beaverless - 02/05/2011 20:26 - United States

Today, my girlfriend kindly broke the news to me that she doesn't want to take part in any sexual activity anymore because it's getting too boring. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 561
You deserved it 17 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fruityloopz 4
bravesfan112233 0


eag05 0
dinosluver13 1

someone needs to spice up their bedroom life badly;P

henrygondorff 2

Dump her. Dump her. Dump her. Dump her. You can only fix this if she wants to fix it, and it sounds like she does not. It might be your fault, but fix yourself with the next girl cause this relationship is going nowhere. Sex us the best thing in life, and you should not put up with a situation where you will be without it.

sara1010 0

wow u r so retarded. sex isnt everything. if u think that then ur just an ignornant little douche who has never been loved by anyone.

staceysgenesis16 0

well spice it up DOOD ... come up with new moves or positions !! or .. do oral or sumthing .. dont lay on top of her and move about as if your twitching lyk a helpless slob .. *** her !! jesus its not that hard ..

Petunia888 13

Maybe that's the problem: "not that hard". lol!

staceysgenesis16 0
GinaFromYorktown 0
pitchblease 2

bored? dress up your penis.

okay well first she might be lezbian......:/ well if she not do some hardcore stuff hope the best for you.

Oh my. From boring sex straight to lesbianism. That's quite a leap.

Why don't you try something new and exciting in bed?

nunnellyboy 0

invite some of her friends over to spice things up then?