By Anonymous - 16/08/2009 17:14 - United States

Today, my girlfriend named my penis "little baby carrot." FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 117
You deserved it 10 956

Same thing different taste

Top comments

spidergirl41 0

Does she like carrots? Also, don't forget the ranch!!! xD

Dmaster22 0


pinksprankles 2

Lmao....Extenze?? Haha Tell her that you didn't know she liked eating carrots so much :P

Lucky_strike_fml 0

Much worse than "Lil' Buddy". Scrubs fans, anyone?

Doesn't this mean your carrot 'juice' is gonna make ginger kids? FYL

Wow, LITTLE Baby Carrot, as if baby wasn't enough. I'm so sorry.

Nope, #23 was just saying that people should be able to take a joke and not get hurt, and that the joke proves how comfortable they are with each other. It's interesting how similar this FML and the next one is - he gets offended by a small penis joke, and she gets offended by a fat joke.

This happened on an episode of Rescue Me a couple of weeks ago...

helpmeiamblind 0

Well, if she's still happy to play with it then whats the problem? And if it's any consolation, my girlfriend nicknamed mine "Mongo"

Night22_fml 4