By Anonymous - 16/08/2009 17:14 - United States

Today, my girlfriend named my penis "little baby carrot." FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 117
You deserved it 10 956

Same thing different taste

Top comments

spidergirl41 0

Does she like carrots? Also, don't forget the ranch!!! xD

Dmaster22 0


Ah nicknames. the funniest one I've ever gotten was the iguana (no not because it's green and scaly lol)

Was it the whip-pain? (their tails are some mighty bad *******...)

Or was it like because a lizard's tail, whenever threatened, just dropped off?

well obviously your small penis isn't hendering you from having a sex life so YDI for being overly sensative.

frankenberrie 0

if it looks like a little baby carrier then you deserve it

ohFawkYou 0

i think thats cutee ! ;D LOL !

EveryDayJackAss 0

are you asian by any chance...cuz im also too.....and i know it sucks cuz our species cant even get past 5 >_> and when one does get past that we say hes half white or something lol

bexox 0

Except that's a race, not a species.

theshinepolice 0

asians aren't a different species of human from anyone else.

aoife303 0

It's not race either. **** erectus or Neanderthal are a different race. What we see in **** sapians (humans) is genetic phenotype variation, just as tabby cats and ginger cats are all Felis Catus, and tigers are a different race to them. The term 'race' is only used because of old-fashioned pseudo-science which believed the 'uncivilised' peoples the West encountered as they travelled were something not quite human, closer to animals, and therefore more expendable and okay to treat appalllingly. Stereotypes based upon this false concept of race are just racializations, ignoring basic evolutionary biology.

No, **** erectus is a different species, and Neanderthals are either a subspecies of **** sapiens or a different species entirely, depending on who you ask. **** is the genus, and the second word indicates the species name. (Similarly, tigers are not a different race than housecats; they are a different *species.*) Didn't you ever take biology?

bexox 0

House cats and tigers are in the feline family. They are in the same FAMILY, therefore, they're closely related, but not the same species, or "cat race". Race is mainly a cultural construct in humans. Asians and every other race of human are genus **** sapien.

Hahahaha awwwwwwe thats so messed up. My bf told me that if i ever called his winky small he would kill himself, so i guess i cant be honest

i_is_a_tr00l 0

YDI For having a small penis. D: