By Dave - 10/09/2009 13:37 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of 3 years told me that I was part of an experiment for her Sociology doctorate. I also learned that the notebooks she's been writing in for the past three years aren't for her "doctorate in literature" as she had told me, they were notes on my behavior for the past 3 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 527
You deserved it 3 572

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can't be an experiment because if it was, human subjects have to give prior consent. Want to get even, complain to the dean of students that you unwillingly were a human subject for her experiments, feel as though your rights were violated and want to talk to someone at the university about its policies. She'll be F'd.


baritone1whs07 1

maybe she was his girlfriend but didnt tell him she was studying him too.. its hard to believe that a girl could fake a relationship for 3 yrs..maybe sex but not a relationship

What do you wanna bet she doesn't have IRB approval for that?

well she couldn't tell you what it was or you wouldn't act right and she wouldn't have good data

While it's true that she wouldn't have gotten good data if you knew, I'm fairly sure what she has done is against the code of ethics for Sociology (It definitely is for psychology experiments). You can make sure she never does her "experiment" (or any others, for that matter), by reporting her to that ethics board!

Soitgoes74 0

Fake, this is actually exactly how "The Shape of Things" goes (play/movie my Neil LaBute). You're an idiot, especially if you don't know the proper meaning of a sociologist. YDI for trying to fool FML.

Hawk3487 0

I'd like to say FYL to the people who actually believe this is real! DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ!

Doubtful that you'll read this, but you should definitely contact the IRB (Institutional Review Board) at her school and report her for unethical research. She'll be kicked out of her program most likely and never be trusted as a researcher again.

Haha ouch. Kinda creepy if you think about it. xD FYL though. Sucksss.

There is such a thing called ETHICS in The Socal Sciences.