By Anonymous - 12/12/2013 21:53 - New Zealand - Napier

Today, my girlfriend sent her new boyfriend over to my place to break up with me for her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 411
You deserved it 3 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments


TheDrifter 23

Even assholes deserve a level of common courtesy that should be standard in society. And that standard is better than this, so in short, yes, regardless of the content of his character he deserves better.

What a crap move this is worse than when my uncles first wife left him without even a word she was leaving

I usually don't blame the third party when it comes to cheating, but this is just outrageous. If I had been said new boyfriend, I'd have dumped her on the spot for not being able to doit herself. And then that bitch would have learned a lesson. Your ex girlfriend is a bitch, and her new boyfriend is a pussy. I think they will get along well, while you find yourself someone who's worthy for you.

The fact is, to horrid places this can lead. We've all seen it. We have very little info, and we don't know what happened between the OP and their SO-We certainly don't know what transpired between the OP's 'ex' and their 'new' boyfriend. The Op wants to know? They should talk directly to the source, no games, no going through any middle people. "Is this what you want? Yes? OK, then good luck to the both of you" and get on with your lives or whatever but until they talk DIRECTLY with their 'ex' they can't know for sure. My one other suggestion to the OP? Be Cool, Mon. The last thing anyone needs is you going in there all pissy :).

Perfect opportunity to tell him all of her dirty secrets. Cuz, hey, she deserves it.

Wow, that makes the breakup sex really awkward. Good Luck

Lmao, good she did.. who wants someone that does that LOL ... You're better off

Nurd4lyfe 7

Beat his ass then send him back to your ex girlfriend with another message. Send someone else to do your dirty work and more than one person gets hurt