By Jae_Hellyun - 08/01/2014 04:21 - United States

Today, my girlfriend sent me a link to a Vine video in which she dumped me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 050
You deserved it 4 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's great! You don't need a girlfriend who uses Vine


If she's that low of a person then you should be celebrating the fact that shes out of your life

Stop Vine(ing) about it and find a more mature girlfriend.

nankivell 9

Why are people saying YDI? You don't even know the poor guy, give him a break.

She's a bitch. People who do this aren't even worth the tears op. You're better off without her.

Revine it or share it on Facebook so everyone sees it and then she will look bad.

JMichael 25

Well I suppose it's better than a text message right?

my last break up involved being stabbed with a spork so it could be worse. it is super weak but be the grown up about it :-) there are normal ppl out there

perdix 29

To err is human, to reject: de-Vine.

perdix 29

Well, that's six seconds out of your life that you're never going to get back. Is that enough time to recite such fine poetry as: Please don't try to find another. I regret I screwed your brother?