By Jae_Hellyun - 08/01/2014 04:21 - United States

Today, my girlfriend sent me a link to a Vine video in which she dumped me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 050
You deserved it 4 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's great! You don't need a girlfriend who uses Vine


Vines will never be the same for you... sorry OP.

shes a coward for doing that. you deserve alot better bro hang in there

No. I've been on the Internet since its beginnings in the late 1980's.

Then you certainly around the trendies, that's fine. A vine video consists of a 7 second clip that loops by itself. The possibilities of what you can do in 7 seconds is limitless, from stop-motion to sketches, people always find the way to do crazy things. Have a look at a compilation or two on YouTube..... do you know YouTube?

Her dumping you in 7 seconds sounds bad.

Does anyone have the guts to say we're done to their face...litteraly...not virtually...

anyone so self absorbed as to break up with you publicly via social media really isn't worth your time anyway