By MisterSeth - 17/06/2009 01:44 - United States

Today, my girlfriend sent me a naked picture of herself and I wish she hadn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 946
You deserved it 79 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fishbiscuit 0

how about FHL because of the dick boyfriend she has.

I think it is time for you to grow up ad get a grip on reality. Real people loo like real people, not **** stars, so get the idea of normal women being shaved to perfection 24/7, having a bleached a-hole and naturally perky boobs out of your head. Cellulite is common, as is a slightly flabby stomach area. **** and a$$es tend to start sagging at some point. And you know what? people like that don't have less or worse sex than all the rest. It is called life and reality. maybe work on your perception of that.


How is this really an FML? it's not bad for you since it's her that sent YOU her nude pictures. Plus you asked for it, it's more FHL because she has to be embarrassed that you thought it was ugly or something...sorry man.

Hope you're not planning on marrying her, then, eh! And if you're not, why waste her time? Dump her. If I were going out with a guy I thought I had no chance of a serious relationship with, I'd dump him!

monicamischief 0

how the hell is he a jerk? it's not his fault the girl is not attractive. alot of time curvy women look okay in clothes, but when they take them off, they just look fat because of the lack of support. this was probably the case here, i am guessing. that doesn't make him a jerk. unless this was over the internet, in which case, he's stupid and deserves it for dating over the internet. hell, this just makes me glad i am hot.

snowFML 0

how is this a fml. are editors sane?

whyowhy26 3

haha. funny. OP: i feel sorry for you mate ! i guess posting this on FML is better than being an asshole with her cos of what she looks like

toxicnightmare 0

Wow you people are assholes...get a life if shes unattractive to you then why the **** are you dating her...moron To all of you who said shes unattractive...have you seen her?...obviously not so how would you know

cheer_leader247 0

wow um what happened to the comment system its like super f*cked up

wow this is the stupidest fml i've ever read in my life.

LittleMel4 0

maybe he opened it when he was at work or with his parents. Why assume it's because she's not attractive?