By MisterSeth - 17/06/2009 01:44 - United States

Today, my girlfriend sent me a naked picture of herself and I wish she hadn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 946
You deserved it 79 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fishbiscuit 0

how about FHL because of the dick boyfriend she has.

I think it is time for you to grow up ad get a grip on reality. Real people loo like real people, not **** stars, so get the idea of normal women being shaved to perfection 24/7, having a bleached a-hole and naturally perky boobs out of your head. Cellulite is common, as is a slightly flabby stomach area. **** and a$$es tend to start sagging at some point. And you know what? people like that don't have less or worse sex than all the rest. It is called life and reality. maybe work on your perception of that.


You're an A-hole. And you probably aren't worth looking at yourself. Your girlfriend is probably beautiful. Although, granted, she can't be very clever because she's with someone like you.

You know.. it's probably a lie and he's kidding... but if he isn't. Meany.

lutzluv124 0

looks don't matter (that much) so try to look past it but if you can't fiind someone who is beautiful on the outside and inside (maybe you could date me next) i fit the description i just gave

#38, i love you for that comment and rly, first for the posts, we dont know if she is ugly, and if she was, he should have known before hand and for the OP, you are a retard, if your gf is sending you nude pics of herself, then that means you are obviously doing something right, next time, give us some more info on the situation because wat you said made you sound like a 2 yr old OP is a retard

itsokay_fml 0

calm the f*** down! jesus. stop lecturing the poor guy. and for the OP that's hilarious but i'm very sorry.

OUCH! your a dick!! i would hate it if you were my BF

Victoriababiee 0

Are you gayy or something? Because I think the only guy that would turn down a naked pic of a girl is a gay guy.

dramakat11 0

If you're not attracted to her don't be with her. Why the **** are you with her? You're just wasting her time. If you really like her but you'd like her to lose weight you could try telling her but that probably won't go over so well...You probably just shouldn't be with her. My ex told me I could lose some weight and it literally sent me into a horrible depression and gave me an eating disorder. I tried to find a healthy medium but I couldn't until I learned to love myself and found a guy who loved me no matter what weight I'm at. My current bf seriously does not care much about my weight. Now I am healthy....thinner than before the eating disorder but not as sickly thin as I was with it. I work out and try to eat healthy but am not obsessive. My weight has gone up and down by as much as 15 pounds since I've been with my current bf and he hasn't cared and has still been attracted to me because he loves me. If your love for her doesn't make you attracted to her then it's probably time to find a different girl.

I bet she feels the same way about you. You are an asshole.