By MisterSeth - 17/06/2009 01:44 - United States

Today, my girlfriend sent me a naked picture of herself and I wish she hadn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 946
You deserved it 79 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fishbiscuit 0

how about FHL because of the dick boyfriend she has.

I think it is time for you to grow up ad get a grip on reality. Real people loo like real people, not **** stars, so get the idea of normal women being shaved to perfection 24/7, having a bleached a-hole and naturally perky boobs out of your head. Cellulite is common, as is a slightly flabby stomach area. **** and a$$es tend to start sagging at some point. And you know what? people like that don't have less or worse sex than all the rest. It is called life and reality. maybe work on your perception of that.


how is he an asshole? it doesnt mean she was fat she could maybe have some weird scars or have a huge bush

archianna 0

Weird scars is worse than being fat? You can lose weight if you're fat, but if you have scars, it's just hopeless? Wtf?

lavaricia 0

I think this ones really just an open and shut case... he doesnt have a girlfriend, hes a sad attention seeking little virgin... and hes bored... cant blame him... pathetic, but having no life means having very little to do other than keep himself occupied with his internet fantasy one...

FYL That was very presumptuous of her.

life27 0

FHL how could you be so mean. if she was so open u shouldnt put it all over the internet that she is ugly... YDI

antonioohama 0

What kind of FML is this?! Just delete the f$