By evomadrid24 - 17/06/2011 00:33 - United States

Today, my girlfriend smelt my penis after I got back from the gym. She was making sure it didn't smell like latex. I can't even go to the gym without her thinking I'm cheating on her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 110
You deserved it 10 267

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

She sniffed your sweaty crotch to see if you cheated? She took that chance? That's seriously psychotic. Nothing grosser than sweaty junk. Run, dude. Run before she picks up your scent! You'll never lose her once she does!


krista2009 0

well don't give her reasons to think you are

why wouldn't you shower before you left?!

Eeew, that is gross. She's got some serious issues. Run!! Run far and fast!

If someone did that to me I'd either leave them or tell them that I'm not cheating now but if they carry on like this then I'll start - I'm not putting up with the crazy suspicious partner if I don't get the fun that goes with it.

dudeitscheyenne 0

dump her. what kind of relationship is that if she can't even trust you.


well, did it have the odor of SMELT?

bugmenotmofo 34

dump this bitch and find a woman that isn't psycho (good luck...)

That's disturbing. She's very disturbed and paranoid.... You need to break that relationship before it gets worse!

tell her she's psychotic and drop that girl while you still can. and just for laughs tell her that it doesn't smell like latex cause "the condom just feels less good"