By evomadrid24 - 17/06/2011 00:33 - United States

Today, my girlfriend smelt my penis after I got back from the gym. She was making sure it didn't smell like latex. I can't even go to the gym without her thinking I'm cheating on her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 110
You deserved it 10 267

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

She sniffed your sweaty crotch to see if you cheated? She took that chance? That's seriously psychotic. Nothing grosser than sweaty junk. Run, dude. Run before she picks up your scent! You'll never lose her once she does!


joa76 3

Does she realize that, one, you can cheat without using condoms, and two, you can take a shower at the gym? I mean, if she wants to be psycho and paranoid, that's one thing, but at least she could try to do so logically.

Grow a pair and give her an ultimatum...

kevineleven21 0

wow amazing trustworthy girlfriend u got there !

sweetness_cw 1

Wow! Think you need a new girlfriend. Just saying.

mcflygrrl 0

Wow I think you need a new brain. He cheated on me while I was pregnant. Why else wud I do smth like that.

mcflygrrl 0

Ok assholes this is his girlfriend and the ****** cheated on me while I was pregnant stateside and he was in germany. Then he cheated again after our child was born. So am I crazy? With good reason!!!

ilikeemsmall 4 are crazy for still being with him after he cheated on you twice. You two will never have anything close to a normal relationship.

kay729 7

someones a little insecure.....

jokes on her-couldn't have smelled good. Haha.

xdomination 2

u should hav **** slapped her lol

sounds like she is cheating on you instead