By evomadrid24 - 17/06/2011 00:33 - United States

Today, my girlfriend smelt my penis after I got back from the gym. She was making sure it didn't smell like latex. I can't even go to the gym without her thinking I'm cheating on her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 110
You deserved it 10 267

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

She sniffed your sweaty crotch to see if you cheated? She took that chance? That's seriously psychotic. Nothing grosser than sweaty junk. Run, dude. Run before she picks up your scent! You'll never lose her once she does!


PapaCool_fml 0

An advice - she is ok to smell anytime she likes but if result cames out of her mouth as once again innocent then is time for a proper bj !

This is where you cease your relationship with her.

mcflygrrl 0

this is where you cease to open your trash mouth with comments you kno nothing about. He cheated twice and i was pregnant. So **** off and save your comments for something you know slightly more about.

either you're giving her a reason to believe you are cheating or she's nuts. maybe it's time to have a serious trust talk or leave. or you could always just do the same to her every time she walks out of the house.

mrmerino 0

dude... you don't need that.

I'm sorry, but regardless if this man cheated or not, DOES NOT give anyone the right to impose some type of sniff test, she does NOT own him, NOR demand she sniff his junk. She obviously has some serious issues. I would have told her NO, and leave to take a shower to freshen up.

russianspy1234 11

Next time tell her she should make sure it doesn't taste like fish.

maybe shes the one cheating and shes so scared you find out that shes trying to turn it around on you.... ever stopped to think about that one?!?

TropicalTulipz 0

that must have been really awkward having her smell it :/

you should have farted. then she'd smell rubber