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By Anonymous - 06/10/2012 23:04 - United States

Today, my girlfriend texted one of her male friends, saying she's turned off by the thought of sex with me. She suggested a bit of "exercise sex" with him. I'm sure he would have eagerly agreed, if he'd been the one receiving the texts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 070
You deserved it 2 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kut17 11

Have exercise sex with her sister.

rein 8

What a bitch! Dump her sorry ass.


LaBooskie 1

That FML should of started with my Ex-Girlfriend. Dump that shady bitch.

jaytee1994 9

Dude you need to dump her ass like NOW!!!!! She's not faithful to you. And you don't need to be cheated on. Leave her on the street corner like she's trying to be right now

miggie_bp 0

Get an STD and pass it to her. Then she will pass it to him. Everyone's happy. Except you, your gf is still a bitch, and your single now. Plus you suck at sex apparently. FYL

Inciter 33

I hope you dumped her cheating ass.

Who does that? That's not normal behavior.. She definitely isn't worth keeping

iamhe 8

Dude... That story made me mad! Lol sorry bro

Gene06 3

Dump her ass an screw her sister or best friend

Your girlfriend which should now be your ex-girlfriend , should go die in a hole!