By stopinthenameoflove - 19/06/2014 14:37 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, my girlfriend thought it'd be witty to buy a miniature stop sign, and hold it up when she gets bored during sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 093
You deserved it 15 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's damn hilarious but a DO NOT ENTER sign would be even better...

Well, I hope you get better at sex, for her sake.


RedPillSucks 31

Nah. He holds up an umbrella, or a sign that says "yipes"

I haven't ventured into the depths of the internet that would tell me this, but if he was having unenthusiastic sex he might find the need to add a "stop" sign into the mix.

You have to make one in reply "Hammer Time".

But this is when you really start to have fun and think of ways to keep her excited.

how can she be bored while having sex!? (have you been doing the starfish position OP?!) fh(er)l

a more appropriate sign "you're doing it wrong"

I have to apologize cause I laughed at the image. It does suck but i got a little kick out of it.

LO1014 16

If she gets bored during sex so often that she bought a sign to tell you, there is something seriously lacking in the bedroom.

Be don't want to get a moving violation. Those can really affect your licence. I hope your insurance is up to date and your plate is properly displayed too!

RedPillSucks 31

Ask her what you need to do to give her an ******. Put your whole head into it.