By stopinthenameoflove - 19/06/2014 14:37 - Ireland - Dublin

Today, my girlfriend thought it'd be witty to buy a miniature stop sign, and hold it up when she gets bored during sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 093
You deserved it 15 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's damn hilarious but a DO NOT ENTER sign would be even better...

Well, I hope you get better at sex, for her sake.


Well, actually, this IS funny. HARHARHARHARHAR

rachangie 19

That is hilarious! And it also sucks. She really should have tried just telling you what she wanted instead of buying a sign. Sometimes bossy in bed gets the job done! I suggest roleplay and tons of time really is the best time after all:)

Get a one way sign, stick it to her ass, then shout - "FK THE LAW - SHORTCUT!"

Yeah! Rape her! That'll teach her! *sarcasm*

maybe he's a sex addict and does it for way too long.. my friend said he does it straight for 3-4hours continuously and is still not satisfied :/

I suggest open and honest communication. I for one don't like going down on women because I'm not good at it. I'm not good at it because most women, in my experience, won't give direction. Which leaves me down there doing my best and wondering if it's doing anything at all for her. SEX RULE #1 Women are responsible for their own pleasure. If she can't or won't talk about what she does and doesn't like, she deserves whatever shitty sex she gets. SEX RULE #2: This goes for dudes too.

Enthusiasm goes a long way down there. Just write sentences out with your tongue to start with, see where that gets you

This Made Me Laugh...That's Pretty Creative...Maybe Different Positions Will Change How Often You See The Sign...

Axel5238 29

Did she tell you she loved you and responded with "No but my dick does"? If you do that stuff I don't blame her.

bubblemint00 6

but does she actually use the sign?

I have to do this, your girlfriend is pretty amazing