By looke27 - 13/11/2010 07:21 - United States

Today, my girlfriend thought she was stronger than me so we arm wrestled. She won. I used both hands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 303
You deserved it 37 610

Same thing different taste

Top comments

arm wrestling doesn't prove anything. a fight to the death proves how strong anybody is

Well is it wrong for a girl to be stronger than a guy? Quit whining about it.


So what? Does that mean you're not good for her? If she is a good girlfriend, she wouldn't care.

For all of the idiots saying stuff, males are naturally stronger than females, FACT, no point in femenazis trying to argue, it is in their genes, also OP, that sucks man :)

At least this proves hand jobs do make the person's arms stronger

Doesn't get any more demeaning than that. I lost against my bro and he is bigger and I felt like crap

Is your girlfriend a body builder????