By Spockx - 06/08/2012 11:20 - New Zealand - Hamilton

Today, my girlfriend told me she was over her addiction and wished to quit cold turkey. I cancelled all my plans to stay home and support her. She didn't mean her tobacco addiction, no no. Her corn chip addiction. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 391
You deserved it 2 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sinamoi 18

Corn chip addiction is some serious shit.

It's nice to know that you care about her enough to do that, though. You're much better than all the douchebag boyfriends usually featured on FML.


carminecris89 13

Smoking isn't a big deal. You make it sound like a serious drug addiction. You went out with her knowing she smokes, so put the gavel away and stop acting like a douche. Your girlfriend not quitting smoking isn't a woe is me, fml moment.

carminecris89 13

Smoking isn't a big deal. You make it sound like a serious drug addiction. You went out with her knowing she smokes, so put the gavel away and stop acting like a douche. Your girlfriend not quitting smoking isn't a woe is me, fml moment.

mermaidariel 0

If she achieved that I'm pretty sure that she will try the same for the tobacco or at least try

Awww :) that's pretty sweet of you ! Just tell her she should quit that too !!