By Spockx - 06/08/2012 11:20 - New Zealand - Hamilton

Today, my girlfriend told me she was over her addiction and wished to quit cold turkey. I cancelled all my plans to stay home and support her. She didn't mean her tobacco addiction, no no. Her corn chip addiction. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 391
You deserved it 2 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sinamoi 18

Corn chip addiction is some serious shit.

It's nice to know that you care about her enough to do that, though. You're much better than all the douchebag boyfriends usually featured on FML.


Special_Psycho 8

Ooo! Scary! A corn chip addiction! (He said sarcastically.) You should've lightly chewed her out for not deciding to quit her tobacco addiction.

DylansMomma 9

Your comment : ...Way to be supportive anyways?

Should have asked her to be more specific. Then convinced her tobacco is a better addiction to break

Whoever hacked my account...%#{*= off.

Holy shit, I've been hacked too. Why am I mr pickles?

I'm littlexlion. Everyone's account looks like that.

I'm still scratching my head over the "she was over her addiction and wished to quit cold turkey" part. Woman is unclear on the concept, which should have been a tip-off to OP that something was amiss.

Maybe she made up the corn chip addiction so she could be with u!

YoshiMike13 4

wow, that sucks but you are so caring then!! there are so many douchers on FML (like the guy who broke up with his gf for 50 bucks, who does that?) but you arent one of them.

Dallasluver19 14