By Anonymous - 12/01/2014 00:03 - United States - Philadelphia

Today, my girlfriend told me that she is pregnant. I asked how it could be possible, since she's on birth control. She said she didn't know her antibiotics would interfere with it. She's a pharmacist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 154
You deserved it 8 889

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AnOriginalName 19

Just because she's a pharmacist, doesn't means she's a good one.

Or or or she just wanted to get pregnant?


Even when birth control is used by itself, there is still a small chance of pregnancy.

Even if she hadn't been on antibiotics, it'd still be possible to get pregnant. No birth control is 100% effective.

Sometimes things just escape us. As I recall, there are several sorts of memory; forgetting learned facts and forgetting an article at a restaurant. Maybe you lovemaking makes her mind go blank :)

BC pulls aren't 100%. So don't be surprised when she becomes prego

...and her doctor didn't ask if she was on BC while prescribing her antibiotics? I know it's a pretty common mistake, but you'd think the doctor would have brought it up. Although they can also make one skip periods as well, if she's simply not menstruating then I would suggest taking a test to verify.

even if shes a crappy pharmacist and forgot its on the bottle of both birth control AND antibiotics. she either wanted to get pregnant or doesn't care enough to be careful because she figures you'll be there anyways. im always surprised by the number of guys who trust the next 18 years of their lives to their partner. A lot of women say theyre on birth control but they dont take it at the same time every day, skip a pill, take it with antibiotics etc etc and then just claim the pills didnt work when they wind up pregnant.

I know she should have known better but he should have used a condom so he should stop bitching and grow a pair