By littlefinger - 11/03/2014 16:11 - United States - Foley

Today, my girlfriend was telling me how sometimes things seem pretty impressive at first, but can turn out to be colossal disappointments when you try them out. "Like your cock," she bitterly finished. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 670
You deserved it 6 996

Same thing different taste


You say it's not the size of the boat , but the motion of the ocean, no motion will turn a little sail boat into a yacht

I predict cold weather where you are today. Better rug up.

GamerPerson 19

That's just cold. She obviously doesn't need a relationship. Dump her!!!

She's an ice queen. Get a flamethrower.

I really hate when women poke fun at what men can't change about themselves. It's unfair, just keep your head held high, bro.

nialls_girl 13

Wow, sorry OP. That's a bad low-blow...

Aww :( that's messed up. Dump her ass

Was that the first salvo for a "dirty talk" conversation? No, no, probably not. If you think she's worth trying to stay with, then tell her you're ready to have a useful conversation about your sex life when she's ready to talk constructively instead of just verbally attacking you

Put it in her ass , see ifbits big enouhj yhen ,