By littlefinger - 11/03/2014 16:11 - United States - Foley

Today, my girlfriend was telling me how sometimes things seem pretty impressive at first, but can turn out to be colossal disappointments when you try them out. "Like your cock," she bitterly finished. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 670
You deserved it 6 996

Same thing different taste


This could be taken two ways: she bitterly finished insulting you, or she bitterly finished your ****.

Instead being a bitch and dissing you, maybe she could help you out in sex skills department. What an insensitive bitch, ditch her OP, and find yourself someone who can communicate with you without trying to hurt you.

"Or, better example, the massive, gaping, unwashed, maggot and mold infested stinking cesspool that you call your pussy."