By littlefinger - 11/03/2014 16:11 - United States - Foley

Today, my girlfriend was telling me how sometimes things seem pretty impressive at first, but can turn out to be colossal disappointments when you try them out. "Like your cock," she bitterly finished. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 670
You deserved it 6 996

Same thing different taste


olpally 32

Dump her, that's pretty shallow and harsh to say to a guy. She doesn't appreciate you obviously.

Doesn't she want to stay with u for long term? How could she say such things?

At least she said it was colossal.

Yeah colossal disappointment. Big difference there.

she is fine with his size, even impressed. she is disapponted with his skill. you need to get more practice and learn how to please her and you won't ever hear anything like that again :)

And she is one of those disappointments. Thought she might have more class.

Qwermy 16

Hey, it may be a disappointment, but it's still "colossal". Just learn to use it better, and she'll no longer be disappointed. her personality may take a bit more work than that though

skittyskatbrat 19

It's like seeing her without makeup...make sure to point that out. And then find someone who is less of a bitch. You could pretty much pick any other gal in your school or university and be trading up!!!!

killinpoptarts 9

Not sure if that was a compliment on size and a disapproval on performance or a disapproval of both

tell her that there are some things that are "proportional" to the amount of effection she shows on you..