By musicyman55 - 19/12/2009 07:48 - United States

Today, my girlfriend who I love very deeply dumped me two times, over the phone. The first time was to dump me. She then called me back a couple hours later explicitly to dump our friendship. I was just friend dumped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 659
You deserved it 3 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, never really heard of a "friend" dump... Guess she wanted to cut you out of her life completley!

kris4126 0


gtridr 1

haha here's a hug. (>'.')> :). im a loving person!!! lol

**** that bitch, be a man and find another bitch

Comentator 0

Be a man and take it...then bang her friend and sister

JungleCat3 0

no girl just duz that for no reson...YOU did sumthin 2 deserve it

Vexlor 0

Are you kidding? My friend was dumped four times by the same girl because she kept cheating on him, but then realizing that the person she was cheating with was cheating on her, and trying to get back together with him for the sole purpose of being able to say 'No, im not single' so she didn't sound as pathetic as she really was. Then, when he found out about all of this he dumped her and she got really mad and started crying and yelling at him and saying how mean he was. Explain that to me.

helots 0

#26... with an icon like that... and you're calling someone else a 'fag'... GG.

She probably felt really guilty for like cheating on him or something or he did something wrong it's two sided blame

This kind of happened to me to, except I got dumped three times. I went from boyfriend to basically a **** buddy, then to friend then to boyfriend, and finally to non-existent in her eyes. Trust me man, anyone who does this kind of thing isn't worth the time.