By Anonymous - 04/01/2011 14:49 - United States

Today, my girlfriend whom I'm crazy about broke up with me out of the blue. After pleading with her unsuccessfully, I called my mom for comfort and advice. She informed me that my dog had died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 712
You deserved it 3 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude I feel for you. About the girl and the dog, I have a soft spot for animals, but dont worry kerp ur head up the night is always darkest before the dawn

I agree. He certainly sounds very melancollie, like he stepped in a big mud poodle. Whatever you do, don't collar. She'll probably terrier heart out all over again. And don't go chasing after her trying to retriever; you'd only look more pathetic. I would suggest a little trip to get over her - maybe to Labrador. You can use my travel agent, Jack Russell. He's a boxer on the side, but he's excellent.


legend831 6

wow a double theart, well get a girl dats into u 2

im sorry bro, i know how you feel, same thing happened to me cept it was dog and se broke up wit me when i told her

look **** off I cryer my heart out when my dog died and I my boyfriend broke up with me

antonio21 0

who the hell cares about your dog that is no fml

kay729 7

Talk about kicking you when your down