By clumsy - 04/01/2011 15:47

Today, while walking on the sidewalk with my boyfriend, I slipped and fell. Not only did he not help me get up or ask if I was okay, he got mad at me for embarrassing him in public. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 266
You deserved it 4 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds to me like your boyfriend suffers from a world of problems that could best be solved with you breaking up with him.


I second that. this is almost indicative of an abusive relationship

well if she likes twilight then YDI which she probably does

maybe if she fell and said to him "catch me Edward!" lol then yes she deserves it

who the heck likes edward?? its team bella all the way!! haha girls should be for her too... some girl on girl attraction (and action)

grumpybarista 0

Since we don't know any more than her side of it, it could just as easily be her being needy and manipulative, with a side of over-reaction to boot. I know, it's a rare trait in teens, but still...

KingDingALing 9

You guys are dumb. It's all about team KingDingALing!

@18... I like your shirt. :D Ahaha...anyways, dump this douchebag. Leave his ass and be public about it. Show him the real meaning of embarrassed. :)

Thanks #47! i like your back, considering its the only thing i see. ...and your hair, umbrella, rocks. haha LOL well i like evrrything, unless its gross or pizza.

LMAO, thanks, I do have a nice back though.... :P And you don't like pizza? Whaaaat? :O

syddyb 0

if it was twilight then you would have fallen and maybe scrapped your hand a little and your boyfriend would have unnecessarily taken off his shirt, thrown it to the ground and picked u up and walked away. everything he does requires taking off his shirt of course. and above, I like your back too ;)

Thanks. ;) I like your, ummm....King of Hearts. lol.

ROFL. no problem! ...and yeah it looks so smooth and fine. well about pizza, i eat it but im not a fan. haha Besides that, why the hell do i have so many thumbs down. Man i guess girls really support their twilight guys. oh well.

O_o Oddly enough my name is Edward. >.> Though I'm not her boyfriend. If I were! I'd laugh while helping her up and then accuse her of being a klutz...then laugh some more. >.> Not because I'm being an ass...but to get her to laugh too. And yes! Signs of an abusive relationship. Dump him asap.

I don't understand why some girls are so effing dumb. Like honestly, that should tell you something right there. Dump his a$$ you hoe.

YDI. Clumsy bitch, that must have really hurt his ego. -.-

Elovena 9

Sounds to me like your boyfriend suffers from a world of problems that could best be solved with you breaking up with him.

kel_pie 1

he is an uncaring idiot... get out while you can..

Wow, what a jerk. When you break up with, I suggest doing it publicly and as loud and embarrassing as you can! Just make a huge scene!!

I agree! now THAT would be embarrassing! haha

#9 I agree 100%-Break up with that jerk LOUDLY, making a huge scene. Show him what "embarrassing" really means and before you storm off, let him know "that" is the difference between embarrassing someone and accidentally falling down.

I have to say, this is a great idea. You just need the right place and time, like at a nice restaurant. Yeah, invite him out to a fine restaurant, order the lobster and a nice bottle of wine and enjoy. As you finish, stand up and put it to him then turn and walk out, leaving him the grandiose check. LOL!!!!

perdix 29

Marry him! If you were with a guy who cared if you were OK and helped you up, you'd have no motivation to be more careful, in fact, you might fall on purpose to get the attention and sympathy. This guy will make you stronger and drive you to become more coordinated.

IRULE010 13

You're very good at seeing between the lines and thinking outside of the box Perdix. Can I just say that it's always a pleasure to read your comments, I often enjoy them more than the FML itself. Thank you for making my day that little bit brighter. In reply to the FML, I think some people are overreacting by saying 'dump him!! He must be Satan to be that much of an ass!!'. Unless this is a regular thing and he is indeed a control freak, then he cannot be judged so harshly on one single incident. That seems to be a problem with today's society. As a people, we are too judgemental and too fast to jump the gun.

perdix 29

Thank you, IRULE, but I hope you know I am being facetious. I just enjoy the challenge of going against the unanimous sentiment of all the comments before me. In reality, I'd advise the OP to let her boyfriend know that his behavior is unacceptable. She may or may not dump him, but she should let him know that he is walking on thin ice (even as she'd slip and fall on her clumsy ass on said ice ;) ) Thanks for your good words!

RedPillSucks 31

They don't usually let perdix out of the box often, so when he's out, he has to get a lot of practice.

Wow, sounds like someone has anger issues. I have to agree with the other people who think a break-up is in order.

I would have pulled him down with me! Dick.