By nothing - 08/04/2009 20:42 - United States

Today, my good friend who just had a baby girl sent her newborn's pictures to me via picture message. To reply, instead of writing "Awwwwww" I wrote "Ewwwwww" by mistake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 887
You deserved it 63 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry babies are usually ugly. Also YDI for not proof reading.

EffinWhosLife 0

Ouch, the friendship has just sunk.


FYL indeed, in my opinion. You just lost a friend without any reason :/

eh. not so bad. Im sure you and your friend will have a good laugh about it later.

effevery1slife 0
effevery1slife 0

hahaha sucks for u better ur friends thinks ur an ass now

Agree with 4 and 14. Babies are gross.

The A and the E are on two different buttons. One must be pushed once, the other, twice. FAKE.

HOW? they are so far apart. Also, just explain to your friend and I'm sure they will understand.

nycman33 0

All you morons saying A and E aren't on the same number - there's such a thing called phones where you text on a keyboard setup where E is right above A, just like on the Iphone I'm typing on right now

Those keys are pretty far apart. Freudian slip, no?