By peacechick71 - 22/09/2013 23:30 - United States - Trenton
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Hey guys OP here. To answer some questions, yes I have told my grandmother various times that I have a retainer, and that it looks like packaging and to not throw it away. I do keep it in a plastic case but I only wear it at night so when I am out shopping for her or walking her animals she snoops in my stuff. I have tried keeping it in my room to keep away from her but the door always "accidentally" opens and her animals find it and play with it because animals like the saliva taste on the retainer, it is then she thinks it's packaging and throws it away.
Top comments
Instead of leaving it sitting around, maybe put it in a case and put it in your room where she won't mess with it? If you haven't learned that by now ydi then.
Hey guys OP here. To answer some questions, yes I have told my grandmother various times that I have a retainer, and that it looks like packaging and to not throw it away. I do keep it in a plastic case but I only wear it at night so when I am out shopping for her or walking her animals she snoops in my stuff. I have tried keeping it in my room to keep away from her but the door always "accidentally" opens and her animals find it and play with it because animals like the saliva taste on the retainer, it is then she thinks it's packaging and throws it away.
The easy solution is to keep it somewhere high enough that the animals can't reach it. Or put it in something that they can't get into, obviously whatever you are doing now isn't working. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
I know it's hard, op. I have to wear a partial denture because I got a tooth knocked out from training a pissed off horse. My mother in law threw mine away a few times thinking it was "old garbage". And it was colored and in a case. I keep it in my purse now at all times.
put it jn a dresser drawyer. problem solved.
I'm concerned that your grandmother snoops through your things, what right does she have to do that? In any case maybe you should keep your retainer with you.
I would see about getting a key lock put on your door. It is pretty easy to do, give a key to your mother/father, keep one on a necklace around your neck, and you won't have to worry about grandma snooping. I had to do that when my roommate's cousin stayed with us for two months. I found her wearing my sweater and coloring in my sketch for class like it was a coloring book.
Get a lock.
Her animals ruined it, she threw it away = She pays for a new one. Then perhaps she would stop being so irresponsible with other peoples things. Also, get a lock on your door. If that offends her, just explain that since her animals keeps "accidentally" getting in the room and you can't keep replacing stuff, this is the only solution. That will also stop the snooping.
I'm surprised you would want to wear it again even if she didn't throw it away after it having been in a animal's mouth lol.
put it in a dresser drawer. Spelling solved.
Sounds like you have your own FML to write! :O I'd vote "yes" on that one...
I've had a retainer for three years. My orthodontist recommended putting the retainers in the medicine cabinet so pets won't get to them.
Buy a built in retainer.
What? Mine are 50..
Your insurance prob pays for a lot of them then
Were they in the container, or did you leave them out on the counter? This information is a deal breaker.
She just said she keeps it in a plastic case.
Actually it doesn't matter if OP had them in a container or not. If it was on the bathroom counter or in their bedroom, it should be quite obvious that its not trash. People shouldn't have to hide things in their own house to keep them from being thrown away. The grandmother definitely should pay for a replacement and reimburse for any other retainer that the OP has had to replace previously IMO.
why would she throw it away unless it was just laying around. ydi.
my dog ate mine twice
YDI for not learning your lesson either of the first two times
at,least u dont have to wear the clear ones forever i have one that essentialy is a fake tooth, it is my dogs favorite chew toy my counters are over a meter takk he is only like 30 cm tall and mine has to last forever
Time to find a good hiding spot for those retainers!
That'll take a bite out of your budget.