By xXEndlesslullabyXx - 05/06/2011 18:15 - United States

Today, my grandmother's excuse for not going to my college graduation was because she'd already bought her bingo card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 706
You deserved it 2 807

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hamster_10 2

she's got priorities, got to respect that ;)


ohhheyythere91 4

You can't come between old people and their bingo. FYL.

how boring was your degree? if it was really boring and useless that doesn't make very much money... than I don't blame her. But would you rather have your parents make up an excuse over your grandma? I think not.

soulfulemo 0

even grandmas gotta have do what they loves ..though mines more kick-ass, she laughs at the poor face of bingo :)

soulfulemo 0

I just realized te first part isn't worded good at all ..o.O

Correct answer? Bingo! You guessed it! She's going to play her game.

DeadOnArrivall 0

theirs always time for bingo

Granduations are so boring unless it's your own. I don't blame your grandma for wanting to play bingo.

AlphaQallnight 0

yes because bingo is just soooo fun

don't be mean to your grandma. you never know how much longer she has to live. treat her like everyday is ur last.

sxe_beast 11

Hopefully if she wins a large prize she doesn't scream out expletives in a celebratory manner.

this isn't an FML because you graduated college.