By bribreeeeeezyfreshhh - 06/12/2010 17:03 - United Kingdom

Today, my grandmother told me to say "sofa king retarded" really fast. Not only did it take me several attempts to figure out what it meant, I'm now grounded by my mother for having a foul mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 942
You deserved it 27 197

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, now say "I'm a ******* moron" five times fast. What does that sound like to you?

WTSchool 0

She probably thought you were smart enough to figure it out. Sorry.


Your grandmother is an evil old lady. And I salute her.

ShananaginsLOL 13

Well, at least you were outsmarted by your elder and better, not your smartass little brother. ;)

stedfastwolf 11

That's totally SOFA KING childish. "BUT GAMMA MADE ME DO ET D:" Really? If she told you to kill yourself, would you?

insane1 0

omg same thing happened to me except was 7 and I was screaming it at the zoo in anger of not being able to figure it out! lol

biebersgirl33 0

bahahahahahahahaha wow awesome grandma

hey i don't get the meaning of this ????????????wat does 'sofakingretard' mean?

0opsie 6

#59: It's supposed to make you say an ancient Native American chant. When you say "sofa king retarded" it sounds exactly the same. It puts a curse on the person who repeats it, takes away 5 years from their life and gives it to the one who told them to say it. Some people believe in it and some people are very offended by it. The only way to reverse it is to make sure the person who said it out loud stays indoors; which is why her mom grounded her.

i said it out loud I GET IT.......THANK GOD MY GRANDMA'S DEAD may she rest in peace

say it out loud but make sure no one is near to hear u.' so-f*c-king-RETARD' get it