By bribreeeeeezyfreshhh - 06/12/2010 17:03 - United Kingdom

Today, my grandmother told me to say "sofa king retarded" really fast. Not only did it take me several attempts to figure out what it meant, I'm now grounded by my mother for having a foul mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 942
You deserved it 27 197

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, now say "I'm a ******* moron" five times fast. What does that sound like to you?

WTSchool 0

She probably thought you were smart enough to figure it out. Sorry.


Yeah, that sucks! My friend asked me to say Alpha Kenny Body, and of course, my mom walked in, and it took me several attempts to figure it out. Now, I'm grounded, for a good 6 months! FML!

KittyHawkMarch 29

it also took me multiple attepts to figure it out but luckily i said it quitely when i was alone in my room.

katiedoll6 7

Haha it doesn't work with a Tipperary accent

Hahaha! That's awesome!!... But not that you got grounded

I don't get it. Tell me what it says.

batgirl_love 2

Using the word retarded is offensive and outdated. Why on earth would you repeat that?