By bribreeeeeezyfreshhh - 06/12/2010 17:03 - United Kingdom

Today, my grandmother told me to say "sofa king retarded" really fast. Not only did it take me several attempts to figure out what it meant, I'm now grounded by my mother for having a foul mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 942
You deserved it 27 196

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, now say "I'm a ******* moron" five times fast. What does that sound like to you?

WTSchool 0

She probably thought you were smart enough to figure it out. Sorry.


That joke reminds me of the Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode when the Witch Doctor tricks everyone into saying his "chant". XDDD

0opsie 6

It would've been funnier if your mom grounded you before you figured it out.

alexxss_fml 10

I was told this in 6th grade, I got it right away though so... good job there buddy.

lmfao that's funny.. but suuuucks to be you

That's not that subtle. I felt so naive when I figured out what elementary school bullies meant when they told me to "look down my shirt and spell 'attic.'"

GangstaGalahleio 0