By -_- - 13/05/2015 16:00 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my grandpa told me he was going to be eating out tonight, and I asked at which restaurant. He replied "Your gran's room." and winked. I didn't need that mental image, at all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 163
You deserved it 3 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your grandpa has a better sex life than most of us on this site...

Grandpa didn't choose the Thug life, the thug life chose grandpa.


chef4money 12

I saw way to go gamma and grandpa. It's probably not something you wanted to hear but it's awesome that they still have fun in bed.

It's the best kind of buffet. You can eat all you want and never gain weight.

Your grandpop sounds funny as shit. Sorry for that mental image op lol

For the record, we didn't need that mental image either.

healthcarechick 9