By Granmacathy - 29/11/2009 07:13 - United States

Today, my grandson asked how old I am and whether I'd seen Mammoths "for real" when I was a kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 094
You deserved it 4 511

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he's only, like, 6 then isn't that kind of cute? He doesn't know any better, give the kid a break :)

MiaKong 0

In high school I worked in a kindergarten class and one of the students asked me if my mommy was dead... I said no... she was shocked and said, "But you have boobs!" lol... I guess she thought anyone who had boobs (an "adult") had dead parents!


You sound like a cool grandma to me if you know what this site is :P no need to FYL :)

My dad used to tell me my grandmother (mom's mother) was on the Mayflower and the Titanic. I believed him until I was 13.

perdix 29

The bad news is that the grandson is 34 . . . and an archaeologist!

Well, since you can use a computer and know what FML is, you must not be that old (lol), but he is just a kid (sounds like a pretty young one at that). Be nice and take it like an adult.

So how old are you anyway? Were mammoths around when you were a kid?? I NEED TO KNOW!!!

I think it is really cute what kids will say. I asked my mum, when I was a kid, what she wanted to be when she grows up.

ShokuMasterLord 0

aww, that's just temporal naivete. he doesn't fully understand how long ago the mammoths were.

Sargasm 4

The kid thought you were old enough to have seen a live mammoth? That's ridiculous. But seriously, what did America look like the British colonized it?

Yeah only a woman could complain at such a question involving age (and yes I'm a girl too), I think it's cute if your grandson is still really young and really has no idea. At my place we tease my mom with her age (she's 50) all the time and she doesn't mind at all. Don't get so offended by such little things, you're probably not thát old at all