By Granmacathy - 29/11/2009 07:13 - United States

Today, my grandson asked how old I am and whether I'd seen Mammoths "for real" when I was a kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 094
You deserved it 4 511

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he's only, like, 6 then isn't that kind of cute? He doesn't know any better, give the kid a break :)

MiaKong 0

In high school I worked in a kindergarten class and one of the students asked me if my mommy was dead... I said no... she was shocked and said, "But you have boobs!" lol... I guess she thought anyone who had boobs (an "adult") had dead parents!


patriots_fan12 0

umm noo offense OP but this isnt bad i mean common its just kid

Aww, He's just a kid! You should totally play along and make up stories for him! It sounds like he's at that age that he wants to hang out with you, cherish it before he loses intereast.

zomg laughed my ass off xD this one's going to my favorites

fotc77 0

that's no big deal, like they would have known the life expectancy of a human or when mammoths bit the dust.

liteupthestage 0

He's just a little kid, he doesn't know any better. Don't take it so personally.

My brother and I do this to my mom all the time. We're like "Hey mom, was Socrates in you college graduating class?" and she laughs and says, "yeah, but he wasn't valedictorian". And she tells us she had a pet t-rex.