By Granmacathy - 29/11/2009 07:13 - United States

Today, my grandson asked how old I am and whether I'd seen Mammoths "for real" when I was a kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 094
You deserved it 4 510

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he's only, like, 6 then isn't that kind of cute? He doesn't know any better, give the kid a break :)

MiaKong 0

In high school I worked in a kindergarten class and one of the students asked me if my mommy was dead... I said no... she was shocked and said, "But you have boobs!" lol... I guess she thought anyone who had boobs (an "adult") had dead parents!


I didn't know many grandparents went on fmylife. it's still better than the 12 year olds who think they're so smart and mature

blue_mandie4 0

If I'm guessing right and he's a kid, not a teenager, then it's not an fml!

zawed 1

Kids do that ALL the time. Seriously. Not like the kid meant anything by it.

I'm assuming he's very young, in which case, what's the big deal? A lot of really young kids don't have a lot of perspective of time and aging; one year feels like forever for them. When my older sister turned eleven, I was seven, and I made a really big deal out of how she was a WHOLE ELEVEN YEARS OLD! It seemed like a really big deal to me because eleven years seemed like ages to my young, seven-year old experience. If he's not so young, then he's obviously just trying to rile you up on purpose. And it worked.

Well, didja? He might start bragging how his gram ran with the dinosaurs.

A lot of kids are like that, it's not a big deal. He's only saying that because you're his grandma and he doesn't realize how long ago the dinosaurs were compared to your age.

ole_and_lena 0

aww that's cute! this is definitely not an FML moment

Seriously? He's either like a cute little 5 year old that has seen ice age, or he's like a 12 year old little shit who needs to STFU.