By Anonymous - 08/11/2010 01:05 - United States

Today, my Halloween costume finally showed up in the mail. Their consolation for a late delivery? A 50 cent discount. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 068
You deserved it 2 811

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why you don't wait until the week before to buy your costume. This is also why you pay the extra $10 or so for faster shipping.


People should learn what would consitute as an actual FML. It's life, get over it. And yes, I understand the point of this site, but most people use it to fuel their tiny insignifigant lives and pretend they're not meaningless. This is not an FML. You could have contacted them.

On the contrary. If it wasn't a real FML, it wouldn't have made it past moderation.

london110 0

What did you go as? Now you have next year's costume.