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By financially_wreckd - 21/12/2014 00:53

Today, thanks to some asswipe drunk driver fleeing the cops the wrong way down a one-way street, I've now had my third wreck this year. My insurance premium's now higher than Bob Marley in a weed factory. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 546
You deserved it 3 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This last accident wasn't your fault so you shouldn't have your rates increased because of it. Fight it. I don't know about your other 2 so can't comment on those.

poppunkette 22

How the hell can you have 3 accidents in one year? But yeah cause the guy was drunk it's not your fault they shouldn't raise your insurance.


badluckalex 23

nice attitude, but sadly theres no real bright side to this fml.

not just one ..its a triple action...

orbit 22

Like a good neighbor Allstate is there!

You could save 15% in 15 minutes at GEICO

incoherentrmblr 21

Nationwide is on your side...

orbit 22

Dammit I meant Statefarm. I suck...

He is still alive to tell the story. That's a bright side in my opinion.

Life is full of surprises, OP. We all struggle sometimes. Even Kim Kardashian.

Dont you dare bring that thing up here. She doesnt exist here. This is a happy place.

Yeah, a place called "**** my life" is surely a happy one.

Its a happy place because she isnt plastered all over it.

#14, I wish I could like that statement 100 times

austincain117 16

Sorry to hear that OP. In my state we have no fault so instead of just one persons premium going up, all of ours do

This last accident wasn't your fault so you shouldn't have your rates increased because of it. Fight it. I don't know about your other 2 so can't comment on those.

tantanpanda 26

You can fight it all you want, but at the end of the day, your insurance will still be raised. Whether it's your fault or not is irrelevant; If the insurance compamy has to pay for damage repairs, they're going to raise your premium. It would be nice if they only raised it when it's your fault, but if they did that, they wouldn't make as much money. by all means, fight.

I was t boned by an old lady who decided give way signs were optional, due to her being at fault, my premium stayed the same as it always was. My insurance paid me out, and I beleive her insurance then paid my insurance company, I think that's how it works, but my premium never went up.

#30 If that was your first accident, then that's why. A lot of insurance companies let the first one slide and don't raise your premium.

If it's not your fault your insurance does go up, at least not in New York

This is such a weird concept to me. Where I live, your premium never goes up when it's not your fault. Why should you be punished if it's not your fault? Of course, in manitoba, the insurance company is province owned.

meggieeeee92 27

I've been in a few accidents, one of them being my fault, and the only time my insurance went up was because it was my fault and they had to pay for the damage to the person's car I hit, as well as pay for the damage to my car. That's why your insurance goes up. If it's not your fault, the person's insurance who hit you will pay for the damage on your car and their premium will go up.

I'm pretty sure it works differently depending on where you live & which insurance company you're with. In some places the insurance goes up even it its not your fault and in other places it stays the same. No one is wrong here, it's probably just different for different locations and different companies.

I live in Australia, and I've never heard of anyone's premium going up when they weren't at fault, even when I insured a new car with a different company, it didn't effect the premium. if my premium went up for a crash that wasn't my fault, I'd tell that company to shove it up their ass and switch company

tantanpanda 26

wow, we're ripped off in texas

Depends on the location. Some states are "no fault" for example, and in that case both drivers make claims against their own insurance. Since your insurance payed out a claim, your rates will likely increase. In this case though, I would suggest trying to fight it.

Over here in The Netherlands, your premium is only raised when it's your fault or when there is no opposite party (for example, someone breaks your window, but you don't know who). However, if too many accidents happen in too short a period, they can decide you are accident prone and still raise your premium. It happened to me too. My first one was a break in, broken window had to be replaced. Second one was my wife being rear-ended. Third one was someone else forgetting to give way. Neither were my fault, but they still flagged me as a higher risk factor than normal, raising premium quite a bit.

poppunkette 22

How the hell can you have 3 accidents in one year? But yeah cause the guy was drunk it's not your fault they shouldn't raise your insurance.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

take it from personal experience, it's definitely possible...

A girl I've known for 2 and a half years is on her 6th car in that time-frame.. Actually I forgot one, make that 7th

orbit 22

Maybe he works at one of those weed factories and all the wrecks have been on his way home from work.

southerngalslove 15

I was hit in a parking lot, and was not at fault. Two weeks later once my car was repaired, on my 21st birthday, I was hit in ANOTHER parking lot and I wasn't at fault either. Shit happens.

That would make you have to be a millionaire.

ihavenolifehaha 16
Dodge4x4Ram 46

as I read this I hear the cops in pursuit, small world

poppunkette 22

I've heard cops all day at a shopping mall I also saw Santa get arrested

some wishes he really shouldn't fulfill

poppunkette 22

Well Santa must have made the naughty list

Your insurance won't go up if it's not your fault. You insurance will pay out and go after the driver of the other vehicle.

It shouldn't raise its not your fault, unless the other two accidents were your fault..