By radiating - 09/03/2012 04:53

Today, my hay-fever started. I'm five months pregnant, and every time I cough, sneeze or blow my nose I either fart or wet myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 776
You deserved it 3 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CbDemyx 1

At least it's one or the other and not both.


Did the comment need to be posted 3 times?

MargieDrury 1

Ash I hope you get better. Pregnancy is not a fun time for a lot of people.

MargieDrury 1

* Don't know where ash came from?

ImSoEffedUp 10

Maybe u should put on a Depends... Get u some practice changing diapers....

MargieDrury 1

It probably was his phone being gay. Don't think he meant it.

Good that you're getting some practice on before the birth when you'll be ********, farting and wetting yourself in front of an audience

Don't talk about something you if you don't really know about it. I was in labor for 16 hours and I didn't pee or shit on myself, nor did I fart.

Only 16 hours? You got off lucky. My mother in law to be was in labor with my fiance for 66 hours.

thiscrazything 1

It is quite normal for those things to happen, no matter how long or short the delivery.

marpay 11

Most people shit themselves but drs and nurses are highly professional and just clear it away without making a fuss. So it's likely that you did shit yourself and didn't know. Also when you have an epidural you don't feel it either thus have little to no control. Nothing to be ashamed of. Just a part of childbirth.

bizarre_ftw 21

Marteeny23 — just to mention, you do know the girl in your picture is a pall-point pen drawing, right? It's a mind-blowing drawing, but the editing done to it suggests someone thought they were using a photo not a piece of art someone drew

I feel for you. Let's just hope you don't follow through with the farts.

perdix 29

In the sixth month, sharts will be added to the list of consequences. The good news is that after the birth, you will regain the ability to keep your holes closed. Of course, if you really used that ability, you wouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place :D

Yeah. Been there. Too bad about the farts. At least as a pregnant woman you can get away with just about anything. Unfortunately the pants wetting rarely stops after the birth. Sorry to be the bearer of unfortunate news!

Do not know why you got thumbed down for telling the truth. I mean unless a pregnant woman is just being a bitch, and I don't think op is, pregnant women are given a wider range of behavior that is acceptable. And the peeing with sneezing, coughing, laughing, ect usually does hang around to a certain extent. Especially in proportion to size of woman. Vr size of baby. I weighed 100 pounds and just come up to five feet. My son was eight pounds when born easy pregnancy, tough long labor, but bladder muscles are still weak.

My mom is 5 foot, and was quite thin, and I was 9 pounds 3 ounces, the unfortunate thing was I got stuck at my shoulders, the doctors had to press on my moms stomach so I could come out!

Oh no! Your poor mom. To bad they did not see the problem before it was too late and give her a c-section. After 48 hours of labor that's what they did to me.

I know, I was born with cerebral palsy due to the lack of oxygen