By Anonymous - 04/08/2013 16:45 - Barbados - Bridgetown

Today, my husband and I arrived in Barbados on vacation. We visited a club, and they had a selection of drinks with weird names. My husband ordered one called the Raging Bitch, flicked his finger towards me, and said to the barkeeper, "Might as well get something I'm used to." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 871
You deserved it 11 296

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KeannaLove 32

Tell the bartender you'd like small dick because it reminds you of home. :)

Tell your husband and bartender this : screw you guys I'm going home. ( just like Eric Cartman)


Princess107 3

should said " fine I might as well order a screaming ****** , since I dont get them"

This is a sign ..stop being a raging bitch!

cho_bee 9

I should have guessed I wouldn't find out how to make a Raging Bitch. I'll have to google it.

missd420 16

Maybe try NOT being a raging bitch?

rebellionwars 11

Lol no offense to anyone but he does have a pretty funny sense of humor

That's a wake up call to stop vein a raging bitch...