By Anonymous - 12/01/2013 15:28 - Australia - Chatswood

Today, my husband and I finally agreed on something: marriage counseling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 031
You deserved it 6 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that's better than agreeing to divorce. Good luck!

Hopefully agreeing on that now will mean you disagree on a divorce later.


vvlovesu 9

That's not an fml!! You're saving your marriage be happy!!

Consider this a good thing! Not an FML. You obviously love each other enough to try. :) Good luck, OP!

Why is this an FML agreeing to marriage counseling is a good thing.

Either you'll both find a better path forward together, or a new path. Either way, the cards will be on the table and hopefully you won't live the rest of your lives being hateful towards one another. Good luck. To me this seems like a good thing all things considered.

MNBOY16 15

Well that is better than divorce... I think!

Quiet_one 22

I don't think this truly merits an FML or a YDI. It sucks that you're having problems in your marriage, but the fact that you're both willing to try and fix it (and that you both agree there's a problem in the first place) is a definite positive. Good luck to you and your husband, OP. Wishing you both the best.

advent2060 4

Dnt see how this is an fml u agreed to try and fix what ever is wrong with the complain and hope for the best

Well, in a way, that's actually *good* news. Hopefully it means you're both committed to staying together and working out your differences. It also means that both of you have some hope that your problems *can* be worked out, rather than one or both of you simply throwing in the towel. Good luck!