By Anonymous - 12/01/2013 15:28 - Australia - Chatswood

Today, my husband and I finally agreed on something: marriage counseling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 031
You deserved it 6 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that's better than agreeing to divorce. Good luck!

Hopefully agreeing on that now will mean you disagree on a divorce later.


Her name is Teen_Facts. It's very unlikely that her facts will have any sense of intelligence.

Where's the problem? If its broken, fix it. Don't throw it away :)

OhDearBetrayal 25

12- Exactly. You would think that OP would be glad that instead of sweeping everything under the rug, having an affair or asking for a divorce, her husband wants to work everything out and try to fix it. Yes, FYL your marriage needs help and isn't perfect, but be grateful that someone loves you enough to try.

N3766 20

I never try to fix everything made in china...

Don't worry when she asks you to leave the room for a one on one conversation.. You'll get your turn! :D

Sir_ND_Pity 35

We wish you much luck, OP. Hopefully both of you take this as an opportunity to better your relationship! :)

My entire family had to get counseling and we all found it helpful. They help you realize that there are things you can do to prevent situations from escalating. Good luck!

At least you agree on something.. To keep trying.

at least he agreed to make a go of things. there are so many FMLs where the husband doesnt give a shit and would rather just get a divorce. i honestly hope everything turns out for the best

Good for you guys! If a marriage can be saved, it's always worth trying. Best wishes OP.

ultraviolet007 1

That's better than mine. He wants a divorce& won't even give counseling a chance :( gl