By ALLALA - 04/04/2009 23:34 - Canada

Today, my husband and I were watching TV. An info-mercial came on for a diamond cross necklace that had the lord's prayer engraved inside of it. As the commercial ended I said, "who in their right mind would actually buy that?" Turns out, my husband would, for our anniversary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 984
You deserved it 24 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This looks familiar... maybe I moderated it. Anyway, it's the thought that counts. Apologize for insulting the gift, and tell him you'll treasure it because he gave it to you, even if you don't like it too much. I'm sure that'll make him forgive you.

KwitIt 0

I agree with #1, but if you want to REALLY save your butt, you can lie and say that the only reason you said that was because you didn't think he could afford something like that and you didn't want him to feel bad? Though I don't always condone lying, I think that could help.


i've seen soooooo many of these fmls

Spiffy 0

I've seen that commercial so many times

brodizzle 0

#14, what did you expect from a guy who thinks promise rings are a good idea? YDI OP, FYL if he thought buying shit from infomercials shows that he cares about you in the first place.

I saw that commercial yesterday too! It was...interesting. Haha Im sorry.

I actually think that necklace is beautiful, but def. overpriced. I agree with #2, say that's what you meant. That's what I would mean...

Sessee 4

That necklace sucks. And the whole prayer thing, what are you going to do, randomly whip the damn thing out and read the prayer? Dumb.

Most guys are completely clueless when it comes to jewelry so yes it is the thought that counts. It's not like he saw it and said "Hey that thing looks hideous, I better buy it for my wife."

ThumbTackBraille 0

Hahaha, it's okay, I'm Christian, and I think that necklace is stupid too. :P

gleidu77 0

who put YDI? how would she possible know he was going to buy it for her? "YDI for not keeping your opinions to yourself at all times in the small chance that you may put your foot in your mouth". idiots.

Lol, don't apologize for not liking the gift, it's a silly present he got on his part.